WFI Storage, Distribution, Disinfection & Monitoring systems
Our WFI Distibution, Disinfection and monitoring systems Are designed to be Plug & Play. They are compact skid mounted. pre-assembled, Tested and ‘pre-wired in the factory. The system is designed to be in-situ steam sterilized.
The storage tank is assembly primarily consists of;
- Jacketed. Insulated, Storage Tonk ($5316), Electropolished
- Sproy Ball, Jacketed Veniter * Sanitary circulation pumps (1*1),
- Sensors and transmitters for Level, Temperature, Flow, Pressure
- TOC analyzer + PLC controled Control ponel with touch screen HMI and VFD
- zero dead leg valves and samping parts
CategoriesClean Utilities, Machineries